Telegram has long ceased to be just a tool for quick messaging. There are many more scenarios of its use, but only some know about it. For example, do you know how to make a business card with a QR code or use Photoshop inside the messenger? In this text, we will share the main features of Telegram, which you may have yet to guess.
Memory control
Among all the valuable features of Telegram, memory control will help to distribute space on the medium better. Everyone is familiar with the situation when the smartphone floods the user with notifications that there is no place to store numerous video postcards. Because of this, the phone can even slow down, and, for example, fans of online slots go through a jeetwin password reset while just needing to clean the memo.
To avoid encountering such a thing, go to the settings section and select “Data and memory”. Next, we need the line “Memory usage” at the beginning of the list. In this section, you can adjust the cache size; the minimum value can be set to 5 GB. This information is especially relevant for owners of budget smartphones with 32 or 64 GB of internal memory.
Sorting chats
If you are subscribed to a hundred channels and are in active correspondence with many people, this feature of Telegram 2023 will be helpful to you. The thing is that all this massive amount of text can be conveniently arranged on virtual shelves.
Go to “Settings” and select “Chat folders” to do this. After that, create the necessary folders, depending on your needs. For example, it can be “Work”, “Family”, “Personal”, “Fishing friends”, “Joint purchases”, etc. With such structuring, the incoming information will become more visual and easier to understand.
Notebook and personal “cloud”
One of the most exciting features of Telegram is the “Favorites” chat folder. By and large, it can be labelled as a correspondence with yourself. Here, you can leave some daily notes and write drafts so as not to lose them later. But even this is not the most exciting thing. Here, you can also send files up to 2 GB in unlimited amounts (with paid premium subscription – up to 4 GB). In other words, in this role, Telegram acts as a full-fledged “cloud” – unlimited and convenient file storage.
Scheduling and reminders
The same “Favorites” chat can be used as a universal scheduler – you can leave reminders about meetings, friends’ birthdays and other important things.
To do this, write a text to yourself in the future and press the send button before you send it. The Set Reminder window appears. In it, choose when the message from the past will catch up with you. You can make as many reminders as you like. A calendar icon will appear at the bottom; you can view them all in a list by tapping on it.
Send your own geotag
One of the most excellent features of Telegram is if you are lost in a strange city and need help finding the person with whom you have an appointment. The point is that right in the chat, without other extraneous applications and utilities, you can send your current location to the interlocutor with an error of only up to 500 meters.
To do this, click on the paperclip and select the item “Location” in the menu that appears. By tapping on the resulting image, the person will be able to plot a route to you to make it easier to find you. In addition, when you specify a geotag, you are automatically prompted to select the nearest object indicated in the maps – for example, a cafe or a museum, which can also be used as a general reference point.
Formatted text
Among the chips of Telegram, chat with text formatting is the most frequently used. So, the message’s text can be made more transparent, “easier to digest,” and visual accents. Users can access bold, italic, mono, strikethroughs, and underlines. In addition, a particular word or phrase (or even to the entire text) can be attached to an active hyperlink so that the transition to external sites does not start with the conditional “http…” and is beautifully highlighted on the letter in blue.
All you need to do is:
- Highlight the text that requires formatting with a long tap.
- A menu will appear – click on the three vertical dots and see a list of possible formatting methods.
Built-in translator
Telegram can erase the boundaries between you and interlocutors from other countries, eliminating the language barrier, as the messenger has an automatic text translation function.
Initially, it is turned off by default, so it must be activated in the settings. The necessary item is located in the “Language” menu. It would help if you switched the slider “Show ‘Translate’ button” to the active position there. Afterwards, you can converse with foreigners without throwing message texts to separate applications or parallel open windows.
Find the right message on the calendar
There are other situations: you remember precisely when you were chatting about something important, and now you need to restore this part of the dialogue. Searching by keywords may not give results or, on the contrary, provide too many matches, which you will have to choose manually for a long time. In this case, you can “rewind” the correspondence to the necessary moment.
To do this, click on any date in the dialogue box, and the calendar will open. Select the day on which the correspondence took place according to your memories, and you will be “transported back in time” to that date.